Thursday 4 August 2016

Who Is Most Powerful - Lagna (You), Dasha (Time) or Gochar / Transit (Events)?

Many times my students ask me, while making predictions, on what should be the focus - Dasha or Transit. Many astrologers do their predictions with heavy focus on either one of the factors. They are not off the mark and many times get close to the right prediction, yet there remains something amiss. Let me clear this dilemma by explaining the 3 and then with an example.

Lagna is about 2 things that are equally important. First, what are the blessings and challenges you have come with or are going to face in this life. That's destiny. Second thing here and enormously important is how you will face these challenges and your strength to never give up or resurrect yourself.  How can this be ever ignored? One person gives up after a leg amputation and lives in depression, another goes on to climb the Everest.

Let's talk about Dasha. I have always refered to Dasha as "मनोदशा" - a hindi word denoting our thought pattern. During a dasha, a planet not just gives results it has come with but also makes us the prime participant by working on our mind and inducing us with attitudes, actions and behaviour that the particular planet signifies. So we equally heavily influence what we are receiving from nature at any time. Else it's the same world that appears gloomy to the one who has just lost a dear one but is all roses and peaches to the one in first flush of love. It's the state of our mind how we look at the same world.

Last one that's given the maximum attention and importance by many is Transit or Gochara. Understand it like this with an example of a work or professional situation - You with all your skills and capabilities is the Lagna, Your current opportunity is your Dasha (it could be job, business, self employment) and the Transit is all factors that are influencing a situation at a specific time (the govt. laws change effecting your business adversely OR a specific country has a economic collapse impacting your visa situation OR there is sudden demand in a sector where you were already skilled thus increasing your salary opportunities manifold.. ). I hope you get the drift.

So the answer to our question in the beginning that who is most important - the answer is All 3. You ignore either one and you'll miss out on the correct prediction. But do not make the mistake of not giving due importance to the King - the Lagna. If you've read a previous post of mine ("Lagna is the King"), you'll understand the meaning here better. A person who stays humble and grounded even if he/she has a huge lucky windfall and a person who never ever gives up and finds alternatives in the face of every adversity is the one who goes far, as goes a saying in hindi - लंबी रेस का घोड़ा. So Dasha and Transit will help you with a short to medium term prediction but keeping Lagna in view will help you foresee how the native (whose birthchart is being read) is going to perceive and react. At the end, that's the only thing that matters. Isn't it?