Wednesday 23 March 2016

Understand Personalities and Planets before Jumping to Predictions

It’s your friend’s birthday and you want to give them something special. You are discussing options with your brother for suggestions. You reject many and accept some to think over. How are you doing this? Because you know your friend well. What contributed to this understanding? It’s a simple thing but the result of complex processes that your mind does in the background without making it obvious.

Your understanding of your friend is a combination of multiple pieces.

Part one is their age, gender, education level, family background, exposure, financial status. Even if 2 friends were similar on these considerations, you may still choose different gifts for them. Because you are distilling their personality further based on Part two that is their unique behavioral quirks, influences (people / philosophies), nature in terms of reactions to various situations, unique experiences, dreams and expectations from life. Your brother is suggesting gift options based on his knowledge of part one. Your acceptance or rejection is happening based on part two. Similarly while reading a chart in Astrology, unless a person’s chart is as comprehensively understood, it will be difficult for an astrologer to make accurate predictions. Humans are evolving all the time and prediction has to take into account not just the events that can be foretold, but also the likely reactions of the person in question. Because subsequent situations are influenced by this.

There is an additional aspect to this argument. A chart covers all facets of a person’s engagements – work, parents, marriage partner, children, friends, sexual inclinations, earnings, kind of work that a person will engage in, kind of people a person will interact with and many more. These are a result of interaction between planets and houses (there are 12 houses in a chart and each represents a wide facet with dominant qualities). If we were to give a human form to each planet and house for our understanding (not too many here, just 21 if you are a student of Vedic Astrology – 12 houses and 9 planets) and understand their personality in the same way as above for your friend, prediction will be a cakewalk. Unless we know every single thing a planet can do, believes in and will or will not do in a specific case, we are far away from any prediction. Same goes for the houses. Then and only then can the synthesis to draw a sketch begin.

The bane of many a budding astrologer is the rush to jump on buying the gift before understanding the friend.

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