Monday 11 July 2016

3 Workouts To Change Your Life

It is lovely to see the gyms packed these days. People of all ages are thronging the place and working hard to keep their bodies in shape for various reasons though. Most of them want to look awesome, some are there coz they have an ultimatum from the docs and medical reports. Body can only take butter chicken at 11PM till a certain stage! Even parks are full of people in the mornings, running, doing group or individual yoga, pranayama or just meeting friends. Amidst all the varieties of workouts, I see one getting thoroughly missed out and till it gets added to the regime, others are going to be of little help.

Body beautiful is getting ultra attention, Inner health via healthy eating, meditation sessions and many other group sessions is also part of the thought process. The 3rd dimension that’s getting the most casual treatment and is being taken for granted is the ‘Mind’. Just keeping it occupied in the daily routine of work isn’t ‘workout’, exactly the way doing housework all day is no substitute for a dedicated workout routine. The way our gyms, sports sessions, yoga, walks, healthy & nutritious diets are part of our timetables now; mental workout is the final frontier, without which the receptacle that we are preparing is empty. A fantastic vessel of a beautiful and healthy body that holds nothing special!

What are these workouts? No amount of social media engagement counts! Brain teasers and puzzles included! Let me share what does count. Unless we mark time everyday in our discipline to pursue our passion undistractedly, we will be missing out on the 3rd workout completely. We all have an interest, a passion – cooking, reading, guitar, writing, photography… just look within.. nothing deep and you’ll find it right there… somewhere close to the surface itself. Why don’t we strive to polish that everyday the way we look at every inch of fat melting in the body?  Because the body beautiful is visible and the mind isn’t? Or that’s what we think. Interestingly enough, the other 2 are very easily matchable by others around us, the differentiation lies in the 3rd. Anyone who we admire for any level of achievement or excellence in their field, is there because they’ve kept that time in the daily diary for a mind workout. That’s the only frontier left. 2D is flat. 3D is what brings it to life. Time to add the 3rd dimension to our lives. That’s where magic begins.

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