Tuesday 26 July 2016

When Is The Right Time To Do The Right Thing? Waiting For The Divine Muhurat?

One of the most important tasks that Astrologer and Pandits in India do is to calculate the right muhurat or the divine moment to perform an action / ritual / launch or event. Whether it’s a marriage, business launch or a specific pooja / prayer, everything needs a muhurat. Many a time I come across people who lament that they followed the right muhurat, yet the venture did not succeed. Lo and behold! Right there the person loses faith in Astrology or Astrologer or both.

Let me help you understand what is happening here. Firstly what is muhurat? Muhurat is, in very simple terms, a specific time frame when the alignment of planets is such that it is supportive and auspicious of certain ventures. Now how does that happen? Planets are not a 3rd party entity waving a magic wand from outer space and making things happen millions of light years away on our earth. Planets are entities that are part of us and are effecting us – our thinking, our actions and our reactions all the time. So firstly, we are participants in making things happen along with the planets. Secondly, no venture of ours is in isolation. The success or longevity of any of our ventures depends on many other people associated with us and with the venture. Planetary alignments effect everyone. Hence, auspicious or good or divine planetary alignments imply that everyone is highly likely aligned to the action under consideration for muhurat and is highly likely to support our effort. Hence the longevity and success become a very high probability.

These planetary alignments are similar to weather alignments - the way we predict heavy rain or heavy snow or clear weather. Is your trip likely to be delayed in heavy rain? – Yes, extremely high probability. Will you be able to enjoy your walk in good nice clear weather with cool winds? Yes, highly likely. Though less likely, but it’s also possible that you reach your destination in time in heavy rain or not enjoy your walk in good weather. Does it mean that the weather prediction department is wrong. No. They are telling you about weather alignments and likely effects on your plans. Your individual preparation, planning and flexibility also matter. Lastly, whatever you do, there are others getting equally effected by the phenomena and everybody reacts differently. We can maximize the possibilities by maximizing our reception of the happenings. If we are looking for 100% guarantees, we need to start with the most important participant – Ourself!

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